I am a Professor in the School of Economics at University College Dublin. I served as Head of School from September 2015 to August 2018.

UCD has Ireland’s leading economics department. Our economists are experts with international reputations in a wide range of topics such as macroeconomics, econometrics, applied microeconomics, international trade, health economics and economic history. Papers from the School’s working paper series can be found here.

Undergraduate Studies

At UCD, you can study Economics either as part of either a three-year single subject degree (CAO Code: DN710) or as a joint honours major or major\minor as part of the four-year BSc in Social Sciences (CAO Code: DN700). The Social Science programme also provides the opportunity to take Economics as part of themed degrees such as Philosophy Politics and Economics (PPE), Computational Social Science and Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. See here for more details.

Here is a presentation on studying Economics at UCD from our annual Open Day.

Here is a video on doing undergraduate study in Economics.

Graduate Studies

For graduates, UCD offers Masters degrees in Economics as well as a PhD programme. Our Masters programmes feature small group teaching from leading economists and the option of either a supervised research thesis or an economics-related internship.  Masters students are an integral part of our School community, attending research seminars and receiving a wide range of supports for students to help them prepare for the research thesis element of their degree. You will find more information here.