There have been a lot of debates in recent weeks about how the Euro area’s banking union should work in practice. I’ve written two posts relating to different aspects of this issue. This one discusses the question of whether monetary policy should be separated from banking supervision while this one discusses whether the ECB should supervise all Euro area banks or just the large ones.
Monthly Archives: October 2012
After Mrs. Merkel’s Irish Jig, Are Ireland’s Problems Solved?
I’ve been very busy lately so I haven’t had much time for blogging. Here is a belated assessment of where Ireland stands after a week in which it became clear that Ireland was “a special case” (even if nobody knows quite what that means).
Draghi Making a Big Mistake on Greek Bonds
After supposedly clarifying their position on equal treatment in relation to their bond purchases, Mario Draghi’s comments on the ECB’s holdings of Greek bonds seem to muddy the waters again. My thoughts here.
This Week’s Must-Read on the Euro Crisis
A fantastic new paper by Lee Buchheit and Mitu Gulati, as well as links to other papers by Lee and Mitu, discussed here.
The Celtic Comeback? Don’t Believe the Hype
My thoughts on Enda Kenny’s Time magazine cover are here.